Brian Ellis

Brian is well known to many of you as being a knowledgeable plantsman and someone who has been known to grow one or two snowdrops! He will be asking how many Norfolk snowdrops you can name? You will probably be surprised to know that there are well over 50. Brian will take a look at a selection of these snowdrops which were found in Norfolk or have a connection with the County. He will also consider the fascination of these harbingers of Spring and why some collectors pay such large sums of money for them. There will be plants for sale.

Place: Bawburgh Village Hall, NR9 3LL

Time: 2.00pm


‘The revival of Benton End:

A paradise of pollen and paint’

Lucy Skellorn

Benton End was, of course, the home of celebrated artist-plantsman, Sir Cedric Morris and we will hear about the history of the garden during Cedric’s time and how it inspired artists and gardeners alike, going on to have a profound effect on 20th century horticulture. Lucy trained in fine art and has a National Collection of historic irises. She is also a researcher for the Benton End House and Garden Trust, a subsidiary charity of the Garden Museum who have aquired the house and its grounds; the intention is to turn it back into a place of study once more. There will be plants for sale.

Place: Bawburgh Village Hall, NR9 3LL

Time: 2.00pm

SUNDAY, 17th MARCH 2024

‘Hostas: a fresh perspective’

Mel Collins

Mel holds the National Plant Collection of Hostas and many of you will know her from her stands at our Plant Fairs where she offers a wonderful selection of these plants. During her presentation, Mel will cover everything about growing Hostas from pests to exhibiting. Mel also loves questions and, providing shoots are starting to emerge, she will be bringing plants for sale.

Place: Bawburgh Village Hall, NR9 3LL

Time: 2.00pm

SUNDAY, 14th APRIL 2024


For our day long Gala this year the focus will be on roses – the nation’s favourite plant. You will be able to learn more from our two speakers namely Michael Marriott, one of the world’s leading rosarians and Daniel Myhill who is, of course, one of our members and holds the National Plant Collection of Rosa persica. There will be companion plants for sale from Jelly Cottage Plants and our Chair, Janet Sleep will be selling Paeonies. A ploughman’s lunch for those who would like it along with a raffle and displays, will complete the day

Further details and booking form here

Place: East Tuddenham Jubilee Hall,

East Tuddenham, NR20 3LR

Time: 11.00am - 4.00pm

SUNDAY, 5th MAY 2024


Our Plant Fairs are a major event in our calendar. 20 plus professional nurseries will attend along with our own plant stall. There will also be specialist nurseries in the Hall, including our Chair, Janet Sleep, who will be focussing on trees and shrubs. The Plant Doctor will be in residence offering advice and there will be home-made refreshments. Something for everyone. Entry is free for members and £2 for non members.

Place: Hethersett Village Hall, NR9 3JJ

Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm

THURSDAY, 30th MAY 2024

'Family Affairs'

a workshop with Richard Hobbs

In another of Richard’s popular workshops, he will look in detail at a number of important horticultural families, look at the range of plants in each and show how to recognise them.

Further details, including booking form and directions to follow.

Place: Wheatfen Nature Reserve, NR14 7AL

Time: 10.00am - 12 noon


SUNDAY, 9th JUNE 2024


to the garden of Daniel Myhill at

8 Banham Road, Kenninghall, NR16 2ED

10.30am and 2pm

The garden hosts the National Plant Collection of Rosa persica hybrids, which includes some 50 different cultivars, grown in both mixed borders of roses with herbaceous perennials, and dedicated exhibition beds and pots. A residential garden, - 180ft long by 25ft wide, was first established in 2020 and is slowly maturing, based on a simply set of ‘rooms’ leading on from one to another. The charge is £5 per person and includes tea/coffee/soft drinks, cake and parking.

Parking will be at the Village Hall in School Close, Kenninghall, NR16 2EL (centre of the village) before walking to the garden (its 470m and will take about 5 minutes to walk). This is on pavements but one will need to cross the road a couple of times. If anyone has mobility issues, they can be dropped off at the house, but their car would then need to be parked at the Village Hall.

The garden can accommodate 20 to 25 people at a time, hence both a morning and afternoon visit. An e-mail reminder will be sent out two weeks beforehand to ascertain numbers and times of visit to ensure a balance between am and pm.

TUESDAY, 18th JUNE 2024


with Simon Harrap

Place: Snettisham Coastal Path.

Another opportunity to join Simon on one of

his ever popular walks.

Time: From 10.30am

A booking form and directions are attached here.

FRIDAY, 5th JULY 2024

A visit to the gardens of

Sandringham House

with Jack Lindfield, Head Gardener,

followed by lunch.

There will be a charge between £10 and £15 to include the tour and lunch. Payable on the day.

This is an opportunity for a private visit to the gardens and is for members only.

Place: Sandringham House, PE35 6EH

Time: Parking in the main visitor car park (PE35 6EH) by 10am. The tour will follow, with lunch being served at around 12.30pm. An email will be sent 3 weeks beforehand to ascertain those wishing to attend as numbers will be limited.

THURSDAY, 25th JULY 2024

Summer Social

at Fullers Mill

An opportunity to enjoy a social occasion in this

lovely Perennial garden.

Place: Fullers Mill,

West Stow, Bury St Edmunds, IP28 6HD

Time: 6.00 - 8.30pm

A booking form can be downloaded here

SUNDAY, 25th AUGUST 2024


Our second Plant Fair for 2024 will offer 20 plus professional nurseries on the field, along with our own plant stand. There will also be specialist nurseries in the Hall, along with the Plant Doctor, home made refreshments and the second hand book stall. Entry is free for members and £2 for non members.

Place: Hethersett Village Hall, NR9 3JJ

Time: 10.00am - 1.00pm



to the garden of Mr and Mrs Napier at

Shropham Vicarage

Many of you will have heard Guy Barker’s talk to us in September 2023 entitled ‘Foliage, Fruit and Flowers’. Following this, we have been offered the opportunity to visit Shropham Vicarage again in order to see some of the plants Guy highlighted in situ. Shropham Vicarage is a 6 acre garden with many different aspects. There are some beautiful trees, along with interesting shrubs, herbaceous planting and stunning views. Guy will be on hand to walk around with us and refreshments will be served.

Place: Church Road, Shropham, NR17 1EJ

Time: 2.00 - 5.00pm


‘Unusual and long blooming plants’

how an American ended up running a nursery in Bath

Derry Watkins

Derry Watkins not only runs her nursery and practical gardening courses, she also runs Special Plant Seeds, offering many unusual plants to grow. Derry is a lively and entertaining speaker and will be bringing plants for sale.

Place: Bawburgh Village Hall, NR9 3LL

Time: 2.00pm



Julian Sutton

Julian and his wife Sarah run Desirable Plants in Totnes, Devon. Although they no longer attend Plant Fairs etc. they continue to propagate plants and will bring a good selection to our meeting. Julian’s talk addresses how garden plants reached us, told through twelve shrubs. He is keen to point out that it is not just an exhausting, exhaustive bio-piece on the turn of the last century ‘plant hunters’ but much more diverse than that. Not to be missed.

Place: Bawburgh Village Hall, NR9 3LL

Time: 2.00pm


Annual General Meeting

followed by Social

Following our usual format, this is where we can deal with the official business of Norfolk Plant Heritage, but also enjoy a social event with delicious refreshments, displays and plant sales. As ever, a fitting end to our year.

Place: Bawburgh Village Hall, NR9 3LL

Time: 2.00pm