Norfolk Plant Heritage was formed in 1989 and in 2014 celebrated its Silver Jubilee. We are a large, lively, friendly, welcoming and active group.
The aims of Plant Heritage are reflected in our Group's interest in a wide range of garden plants, their cultivation and conservation.
In Norfolk we currently support eleven National Collections. They are Colchicum, Dionaea Muscipula, Eucomis spp & cvs., Fuchsia cvs. introduced by James Lye, Gunnera (Hardy), Lavandula sect. Lavandula, dentata and pterostoechas, Mespilus germanica cvs, Molinia, Rosa Persica (Hybrids),The Peter Beales Old Rose Collection and Salvia Microphylla and relatives.
We have a varied and interesting programme of talks, workshops, garden and nursery visits holidays and social events. We also have two excellent Plant Fairs each year attended by local and national nurseries. Indeed, Norfolk Plant Heritage has one of the largest programme of events of any group.